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Longboard and Hamboard

coaching sessions

Longboard coaching

longboard coaching

Sessions last 3 hours (one and a half in the water) and includes; theory, practice, video analysis and an edited video with the highlights of the session.

You will be guided in the water getting straight feedback and tips while being filmed in the water followed by an video analysis with theory right after the water at the spot.

This will definitely help you develop your longboard skills and style.

140€ if one or two sessions and 120€ if more than two

160€ if one or two sessions and 140€ if more than two

 *(there is some complimentary materal if you need it for the sessions, longboard and wetsuits)

Hamboard Coaching

Hamboard Session

The “Hamboard” is a 7feet long skate built to practice the water longboard movements in land.

Hamboard sessions last one hour and include an edited video of the session too.

90€ per sesion